Feral Cat/TNR
Post-Operative Care/Instructions
Your animal has had major surgery and will need to be well
cared-for afterwards to help prevent complications.
Following the instructions below will help ensure your pet has a successful recovery​​​​​​​​​​.
*Twin Ports Spay/Neuter keeps feral cats overnight for one night post-operatively. Males can be released back into the colony on the same day that Twin Ports Spay/Neuter releases the cat(s) to you. However, Twin Ports Spay/Neuter recommends, if possible, keeping a female cat for one additional day for a total of 48 hours (one night at Twin Ports Spay/Neuter, plus one additional night). Certain circumstances may dictate that a female needs to be retained for a longer period, as directed by Twin Ports Spay/Neuter or your full-service veterinarian.
*If you are keeping the cat(s) overnight, keep them in the trap in which they were placed after surgery, and keep the back trap door locked at all times. The cat(s) must be kept indoors in a temperature-controlled area. They should be monitored for bleeding, difficulty breathing, lethargy or dullness, and/or vomiting or loss of appetite - although not all community cats will eat overnight, due to stress. Place the trap in a quiet, well-ventilated, and temperature-controlled area.
*Keep the trap covered with a sheet or light blanket during the recovery period (but not too heavy - you don’t want the cat to get over heated). Do not handle the cat or put your fingers in the trap. Community cats are not vicious, but they are scared of people, strange noises, and activity.
* Twin Ports Spay/Neuter administered a pain medication by injection post-operatively to the cat(s). This injection lasts 4-5 days in cats. Do not give the cat(s) any over-the-counter products or medications that were prescribed by another veterinarian without approval from Twin Ports Spay/Neuter as there is a potential for drug interactions or adverse reactions which can be fatal.
*When feeding the cat(s), place canned food on a plastic lid with a little water around it – again, the cat may not eat. Be careful when opening the carrier or trap so that the cat does not escape. Keep hands out of the trap, and always relock the trap door. If you have a double-door trap, open the sliding back door a crack, and slide the food and water in. You can also pour food and water through the wire cage if there are already bowls inside the trap.
*Check in on the cat periodically. If it is bleeding, vomiting, having difficulty breathing, or not waking up, please call the Blue Pearl Specialty + Emergency Pet Hospital (located at 2314 West Michigan Street Duluth, MN) at 218-302-8000.. Please note that Twin Ports Spay/Neuter may not cover the cost associated with the visit.
*The cat does not need to return to Twin Ports Spay/Neuter for suture removal, because dissolvable suture and tissue glue was used.
*Make sure to release the cat(s) at the same site they were trapped, during a time when there is little traffic. Place the trap with one end uncovered and facing toward the direction they should travel, and let them orient for a few minutes. Unlock the back trap door and remove the door. Some cats will come out quickly, and others will take a bit longer. Once the cat is out of the trap, put the door back on.
*Provide fresh food, water, and shelter (especially important in the cooler months). The cat(s) may disappear for a few hours or days, but they will return after they have calmed down.
*If the trap was borrowed from Twin Ports Spay/Neuter, return the trap to a staff member. They will disinfect the trap and return your deposit.